Using gifts, games, music, fun, food and fellowship to bless the community, we throw out a gospel net that reaches the "the un-churched, unsaved and unloved". We do what we can to bring the light of Christ into a dark world. We share powerful testimonies, train volunteers and leaders within the church, and implement a follow-up program to see your church have much fruit as you make your #1 goal SOULS. We invite families and people of all ages, have games for the kids, music and food; and, give a powerful altar call and opportunity for the Holy Spirit to move.
Our focus is to mobilizing your congregation to reach out to the harvest of souls in your area. We also have a plan to get the new converts back to your church the following Sunday. This method of evangelism has been a success across America in places such as Hawaii, Florida, Tennessee, Alaska, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Washington DC and more, in both rural areas as well as the major metroplexes of the USA. Thousands of people have accepted Christ through Community Outreaches and countless lives have been impacted by the power of God.